NYC band on the rise: Flying Pace’s double album release

In a scene where faces change with the speed of light, Flying Pace is a band whose members feel almost like family to The Deli. Led by singer/guitarist Kristie Redfield of The Song Corporation, the band features bassist Marta DeLeon from Coyote Eyes and guitarist George Flanagan from El Jezel – all bands that were repeatedly featured in our magazine/blog in the first decade of the aughts. Josh Arenberg completes the lineup on drums. The quartet is about to release their debut album digitally via Bandcamp in two parts: the first, entitled "Quick as a Wink," will be let loose on Saturday June 16th, in occasion of the band’s Northside Festival Showcase at Grand Victory (ex Bruar Falls) in Brooklyn, while the second part "Quiet as a Mouse" will be released on July 20th at a show at Union Hall.

The only song available at this stage, entitled "Boris and Natasha" (streaming below) features Kristie’s signature whispered vocals, which switch from a spoken mantra-style verse to a sudden, dreamy opening in the chorus, where a breezy, unpredictable melody takes over our senses. The band gently supports Kristie’s delicate lines with textural layers of sound, with Flanagan’s guitar occasionally taking over with psychedelic flourishes.

If Flying Pace were painters we would call them Impressionists – a comparison we recently used for Here We Go Magic… these two bands should tour together!