The noise and the fury: Zulus plays Cake Shop tonight (06.15) + announces full length.

There are plenty of noisy and loud bands out there, but few of them are also tight, fun and… insane. These 5 things combined can conjure up some outstanding rock madness. Zulus is a Brooklyn band that should be forbidden to adults or something… Their songs sound like a tribal celebration of chaos. Although respectful of the genre’s typical droney-ness, these guys are actually very inventive, in some kind of quirky way. We hear that in "Black Out," the song that ends and starts 4-5 times; or in the signature never ending delay on their vocals. They also don’t disdain to introduce some melodic lines here and there, mostly in form of backing vocals. They are playing Cake Shop tonight June 15 and announcing the release of their full length record on July 10th. Noise lovers, be there, buy that.

Mp3: Zulus – "Heatwave"