Sex, Lunge and Rock ‘N’ Roll.

With their sexual thematics and heavy odes to all ’em lecherous kids out there, it seems like California bred noise rock band Lunge may be gambling on a winning combination. The Kids Just Wanna Get Wet? Sure they do, don’t we all, so why not rave on about it loud and louder?

Now established in Portland, the trio specialise in an aggressive, deliciously explicit blend of punk rock and grunge influences, kicked up a notch right onto the edge of hardcore if only to keep your lustful granny out of the pit. Pure noise interacts with short, slow paced interludes, giving you two seconds to breathe only to dive straight back into the screaming, distorted aesthetics of the band’s sound. It’s quick and effective like a punch in the face, and to be fair, isn’t that what most punk purists and amateurs of heavier things are gagging for today? Get messy with them in July, and in the meantime, here’s right below a treat for your next-door neighbour! – Tracy Mamoun