Rarechild releases Night Creep

Night Creep is the seventh in a series of twelve songs that Brooklyn-based electro-pop band Rarechild began releasing each month via Dimension Arts at the start of 2012. From the first few seconds there’s definitely something creepy about it, that something being an eerie high-pitched synth melody that is just a little off, a little twisted, you’ve entered the haunted house, what next? Well, it all tunnels in, the synth parts get denser, that strange melody still subtly echoes in the back but by that time you’re already so familiar with the track and its big beat that you’re quite possibly dancing to it. Below, the video to Night Creep, directed by Steve Nolan and Eddie Costas; expect strobes, ghostly apparitions, and furry tails hanging out of little black shorts.

Rarechild’s next show will be at the Big Snow Buffalo Lodge on August 28th, with Treasure Teeth & Shad[]wB[]x.