Sinkane plays CMJ Artist Announcement Party at Mercury Lounge (8.21)

It’s the height of summer, and you know what that means. Time for some high life, and Sinkane‘s got exactly what you need. To this end, new single ‘Jeeper Creeper‘ does a fantastic job of negotiating a place for Nigeria within the psychedelic trappings of Brooklyn. The song takes its time, building a wall of endless groove before settling into a warped guitar path that slithers its way across layers of buzz and characteristically Malian delay. All this from an artist originating from Omdurman, Sudan and finding a place all his own in our humble neck of the world. You can see him every Monday for the month of August at Zebulon where he landed a residency, and when he plays with Tanlines on Tuesday (8.21) at Mercury Lounge for…drumroll please… the official 2012 CMJ ARTIST ANNOUNCEMENT PARTY!! – Mike Levine (@Goldnuggets)