Dreamdecay Performing at the Josephine This Friday

Photo Source: Dreamdecay

Dreamdecay are playing at The Josephine this Friday, August 24th. The other groups performing are Matt Akers, Mutant Video, Gag, and Nudes.

These musicians have penned a document overflowing with sonic fury in Fern, which was released earlier this calendar year. Dissonant and chaotic, intensely cathartic and rhythmic – Dreamdecay’s feedback frenzy spins a web that is hard to disentangle from.

Take track "II" for instance, whose opening riff would not sound out of place in a Fugazi song. This vibe quickly dissolves into a heavier, punchier affair as the cymbals come crashing and the vocals meander on in – landing somewhere on the measuring stick near Michael Gira of Swans, and the vocalists of Young Widows and Daughters.

Song "IV" captures their most balanced blend of angular math rock and noise rock; except it has been tossed in a blender and coughed back out as a mass of raw venom. 

Their music is fearless and peerless in the Northwest because of its thirst for unadulterated noise and energy. They carry with them the relics of noise rock’s forefathers – bands like The Jesus Lizard or Sonic Youth – and yet they ultimately convey and champion their own passion rather than another’s.

See Dreamdecay at The Josephine coming up on the 24th of August. You can stream "IV" below and then visit their Soundcloud to hear all of Fern. The record is available for purchase via Great Plains Records.

– Cameron LaFlam