We Want You

It’s true.  We need you.  Desperately.  

Ya see, the Head Honcho of Deli Magazine is coming to SXSW.

Yes.  You read that right.  The Big Man hisself.  The Big Guy, the Big Cheese, the Top Dog, the Boss Hogg of The Deli, will be putting in some Face Time here in our fair city, and is putting together some live showcases for the occasion.  

We’re talking 3/12 to 3/16.  Gird up yer loins.  

So here’s where you come in – We need some kick*$$ bands to come in and set fire to the joint.  That you and your compadres?  If so, go fill out this form here.  

No pressure, but last year when we did this, we had like 2000+ folks hanging out.  Doing the math, that’s ~4000 ears that’ll hear your music.  So Yeah.

Oh, and there’s a deadline – Get ‘er filled in by Friday, 1/18/13 at 11:59PM.  

Summing up:  We need you, go fill in this form, and play SXSW.