NYC Artists on the rise: Haerts, produced by St. Lucia

With so many bands working their way through Brooklyn these days, it can apparently be easy to miss something. Guilty as charged when it comes to Haerts (no spelling mistake there for a change). Formed from veteran producer/label mate St. Lucia (pictured) and Nini Fabi (the former frontwoman of folk-tacular duo NINI + BEN), the two have now come together in one of the most exciting blends I’ve heard from a local group in quite some time. One part synth-pop, one part country croon, out comes an adoring blend that transcends both universes.

Latest single ‘Wings’ promises exactly that kind of flight. A trip through the clouds that not only shows off Fabi’s soaring soprano, but promises to re-kindle your long-lost relationship to Country music… or at least the process of healing can begin. – Mike Levine (@Goldnuggets)

This song was added to our curated SoundCloud playlist of the best songs by emerging NYC bands – listen to it here.