Congatulations to Ambrose Way, Our New Artist of the Month!

We got so caught up in the launch of our Best of 2014 poll (check out our nominees in the box on your right and vote for your favorite) that we neglected to tell you about the handsome gentlemen gracing the top of our website. We first heard about Ambrose Way when they were part of a Palaver Thursday at fooBar, and cited some of their 60’s-styled acoustic numbers as perfect reminders that spring is around the corner. The four have just finished an album, Pop A, and it is most definitely worthy of the term ‘epic.’ The album tears out of the gate with a Trans-Siberian Orchestra/Queen influenced instrumental, and keeps up the same vibe for the next 26 minutes through slow jams and more spirited rockers.  We’re partial to "Little Mexico;" the horn-driven opening makes us think of Chicago. There’s definitely some clever tag waiting to attach itself to these guys, something along the lines of "Big Band psych-rock," but, you know, cleverer. Check out the full album here. -Terra James-Jura