Waterfall Wash EP Release Show at fooBar 1.31

Waterfall Wash will finally be releasing their debut EP, "Foreign Chords" on January 27th, after almost five years since their inception in 2010. Their folky storytelling has evolved over time, an assemblage of instruments have been collected (you won’t find many groups with a dedicated autoharpist) and a sense of the dramatic has been honed. The handful of singles Waterfall Wash have released over 2014 are marked with flourishes from a multitude of influences, like screaming electric guitar solos in "Landmark" and a twee acoustic tune leading into fiddle and all the handclaps in their most recent tune, "Visions." Throw in their penchant for Chicago’s jazz underground, and that’s alot of sound to be packed into one EP. We’re excited to hear how it fits.

Waterfall Wash is having an EP release show this Saturday at fooBar with kidDEAD, Rales, and The FUTURE. Show starts at 9pm, and cover is $5.