Psychobaby premieres debut EP + plays The Gateway on 3.3

Brooklyn based band Psychobaby broke into the NYC scene with an unapologetic banger in “Baby” and its accompanying video in December of 2015. A few weeks later, the band won our Best of NYC Readers’/Fans’ Poll for Emerging Artists in the Slacker Rock category (even though they are not really slackers, but it was the best fit by approximation). With the release of their new EP, "Rough Start," (premiered below) we are introduced to two new songs that give us a better idea of this group’s sonic spectrum: second track "Believer" dabbles in dream pop territory, with Juliet Garrett’s polished vocals delivering her most uplifting melody to date. "Flower Hat Man" explores  post punk atmospheres through dissonant guitars and a more aggressive attitude, but doesn’t come across as natural and accomplished as the first two tracks, which paint a picture of a band with potential. Psychobaby will be performing these and other songs on March 3rd at The Gateway in Bushwick, go check them out! – Adriana S Ballester