Bursting with creativity: Eclectic psych-pop on Poppy Patica’s debut EP

The liner notes to Poppy Patica‘s debut release, Tripping None, claim that the music is a blend of modern experimental pop and 80’s pop/punk. However, listening to this EP for the first time I was overwhelmed by memories not of listening to 80’s music for the first time, but rather of listening to of Montreal’s first album Cherry Peel, released in 1997. What came across to me on this album was the sound of 90s- indie legends like of Montreal, The Unicorns, and Deerhoof/hunter.

From the heart twinging chord changes on “Sink” to the lo-fi buzz of “Top”, this release modernizes some of the best elements of 90’s indie pop, and the result is truly wonderful.

A great debut from DC’s Poppy Patica.

-Written by Michael Dranove