Irrevery seamlessly blend country and noise on “Just Like Me”

As far as genre descriptors are concerned, ‘country’ is one that has the most divisive effect on city-dwelling purveyors of alternative music, one that causes most folks to do an about face and run for the safety of less homespun tunes. Brooklyn band / art collective Irrevery, however, do not care for your classist associations with the genre and channel a distinctly rural energy into their self described ‘country punk noise.’ Lead track “Just Like Me” from their most recent full-length Irrevery Volume I is strengthened most by lead singer Paige Johnson-Brown’s lyrics and vocal delivery, rife with imagery of dogs on ropes, flowers in bouquets, and fists full of mud, drawled against a backdrop of discordant punk noise and heavy slide guitars. While such a pairing of seemingly unrelated genres may appear as odd bedfellows, Irrevery shows that the two have more in common than you think, uniting them in an emotionally raw, honest tour de force that encapsulates the most visceral elements of both. Watch the video for "Just Like Me" below and see for yourself – Connor Beckett McInerney (@b_ck_tt)