Deathlist Song Release

This past month Deathlist released a new song, “8 Eyes” off their upcoming album A Canyon. Elusive and sly, “8 Eyes” is a hard song to get a hold of. However, that just means it’s all the more rewarding when you do, even if it’s only for a moment. The anxiety-packed lyrics provide the right amount of tension for the more cheerful riffs and beats present in the song. Listening to it is a hypnotic, immersive experience. It brings up a lot of feelings. Getting a glimpse of that one sliver of moonlight on an otherwise dark night. The first breath of cold, fresh air taken after dancing in a packed, sweaty crowd. It’s a great song to start the year off with.
Deathlist’s album release party will be taking place at The Fixin’ To, Sunday February 9th. Abronia will also be playing a set, along with new project John-Paul H. 

-By Avril Carrillo