Foreign Air releases “Used to You” + tours the US

Operating in the intersection between New Wave, EDM, and soul music, Brooklyn via Washington DC Foreign Air have forged a recognizable and original style, while releasing a series of incredibly catchy songs. First single Free Animal put them on the right path, but the solid 2016 EP For the Light already included another noteworthy track (In the Shadows), which climbed the digital charts and helped keep the name "hot." After that initial burst, the band has managed to keep their fans’ attention alive through the constant release of several other quality singles. Their latest, entitled "Used to You" (streaming below), is a glo-fi mid-tempo that flirts with trip hop and Moby’s looped soul samples. The duo just announced a month-long North American tour that will take them to Austin during SXSW and back to Baby’s All Right on April 9th.