Support Our Wicked Lady (and get a kickass playlist in the process)

Hey! Remember live music? Me neither! But hypothetically wouldn’t it be cool to see all of your favorite local acts perform when this whole thing blows over? Then it’s important — nay, imperative(!) — to support your scene, now more than ever.

To that end, we recommend you buy a beer (or six) from Our Wicked Lady, allowing you to support a premier independent venue while discovering some new music in the process. Every delivery order from O.W.L. comes with a postcard enabling access to one of five curated (and banging) playlists, enabling you imbibe responsibly (at home) while getting absolutely throttled to some local bands (many of whom have been previously featured on The Deli NYC).

Moreover you’ll be supporting one of the best performance and recording spaces New York has to offer while rocking a nice buzz. O.W.L. has booked a number of bands that we love, and held an absolutely killer Battle of the Bands this past winter. Support the scene, discover new music, and obtain libations — it’s that simple.