Interview: Daisychain, Pandemics, and Cancelled Plans

With the news changing by the minute and country on the verge of a potential lockdown as a result of the spread of the Novel Coronavirus, we thought it would be a good time to reach out to a local band to learn how this will impact their Spring. Daisychain is the Garage Rock of Sophia Williams, Nickole Regala, Frankie Sripada, and Victor Martinez. They have spent the few years performing around the city and Midwest while working on their debut EP which is due on May 2nd.

They had been planning to head out on their Tweak’d Tour, starting on April 2nd, to spend a month finding new audiences and ramping up to their EP release at Cole’s on May 2nd. Now everything is either cancelled or soon to be, and we took the chance to talk with Sophie about how this is impacting Daisychain.

The Deli (TD): Has the upcoming Tweak’d Tour been cancelled or postponed?
Sophie Williams (SW): All the closures have definitely been affecting our April tour status. Some venues have already cancelled events, and we are anticipating that most, if not all venues will postpone or reschedule the shows.

TD: How much time went into planning the tour?
SW: We are pretty bummed; we’ve been planning this tour for the past four months and have spent countless hours reaching out to venues, bands, magazines and blogs.

TD: As a primarily touring band, how do you see the virus and our state’s response impacting your year and future plans?
SW: These cancellations will definitely affect our plans for the upcoming year; the tentative April TWEAK’D tour would have been our first time to the East Coast. We were hoping to get exposure in a different part of the country that we have not yet toured. We invested in merchandise that we were hoping to sell on tour.

We are planning to reschedule any cancelled shows and plan to tour throughout the rest of the year to new cities and regions. We are currently planning a southern USA tour in July and have high hopes for a successful tour.

As of right now, March 18th, you can help Sophie and Daisychain celebrate the release of their debut EP on May 2nd at Cole’s Bar.