Hayfitz’s “Daylight” is a somber, ambient folk journey, new LP out 5.29

Listening to “Daylight,” the latest single by New York folk artist Hayfitz, feels in many ways like exploring an old, abandoned house. Atmosphere-inducing artwork aside, what begins as a hushed, almost secretive track gradually expands to become a rich offering that showcases songwriter Brandon Hafetz’s aptitude for layered, chilled instrumentalism; every nook and cranny is filled with echo-laden guitar arpeggios or ambient synth. As the track progressively brightens, however, Hafetz’s falsetto remains a tethering force, with lyricism that details the difficult chats that are oftentimes necessary. “[The song] serves as a constant reminder to have the scary, sober conversations, even if it means letting your guard down,” Hafetz said of the track via email, a sentiment fitting for his abidingly somber vocal performance. Give it a listen below, and keep an eye out for his forthcoming LP Capsules, out 5.29. Photo by Sam Cope