PREMIERE: Pictoria Vark’s indie expands on “Good For,” plays Pete’s Candy Store 4.19

The hallmark of Pictoria Vark’s 2018 EP self titled was the abiding minimalism that permeated most of its tracks, which created a space in which listeners could ruminate on her lyrics against a muted backdrop of sauntering bass lines and restrained, bright power chords. One year and a good deal touring later, her latest single “Good For” finds the young artist filling in the gaps, laying down intricate, interwoven guitar work in a way that feels, instrumentally, far more active and alive, yet never to the detriment of her songwriting chops; still present is the soft power inherent to her engaging voice and words. Part of what makes “Good For” the expressive offering it is comes from the song’s percussive vamps, which build energy over its three and half minute run time — paired with sliding electric guitar accents and underlying acoustic strumming, it evokes a mild, folk rock energy that’s expressive and lush. Stream our premiere of the track below, and catch Pictoria Vark at Pete’s Candy Store on April 19th.