A Very Special Episode rip (in moderation) on “Cut for Time,” play Our Wicked Lady 3.14

Brooklyn post-punk trio A Very Special Episode know how to keep things in control. While discordant, shoegazing guitars and a healthy serving a feedback perforate their 2018 EP Cut for Time, the production and format hits a finely-tuned middle ground between cacophony and run-of-the-mill indie rock, opting to incorporate Fender-friendly sounds in a manner that’s aggressive, yet well-curated. At the center of the storm is singer and guitarist Kasey Heisler’s impressive vocal performance, one that imbues the band’s latest offering with an energy that’s characterized by an energy that’s as devil-may-care as it is triumphant — standout song “Crazy” is a succinct encapsulation of what makes AVSE tick, a track well-suited for a highway singalongs and pit-opening alike. Give it a listen below, and catch the band at Our Wicked Lady on March 14th for the Rizzo’s sixth annual PROM FOREVER.