10.11: Blonde Redhead’s Kazu Makino plays solo show at Rough Trade

Blonde Redhead fans will delight in seeing Kazu Makino step out on her own and perform her solo material at Rough Trade on October 11th. Makino has released her first solo album called Adult Baby, which contains much of the same entrancing psych artistry that her band’s fans have come to expect. Adult Baby takes that to the next level, as Makino plans to release a visual aspect to the record as well. The artist has already released the video to "Come Behind Me, So Good!" as part of that visual album; as if the faux-Satanic tint to the backwards-masked-sounding lyrics wasn’t enough, in the video, Makino gyrates in a sheer outfit before the altar and the image of Jesus as other revelers sway in time with her. Take a look at the video for yourself, and go see her at Rough Trade on October 11th. – Will Sisskind