Nightjacket unveil captivating new single “Waking Up With You,” play the Troubadour on 4/23

Holland Belle shows her unabated love with complete abandon on “Waking Up With You.” The deeply romantic new single by indie-rock trio Nightjacket is the perfect vehicle for Belle to reveal her innermost desires. “Ooh, waking up with you/there’s so much more to find,” Belle sings with her delicate, yet commanding croon, a sweet affirmation that pairs lovingly alongside the band’s brisk, charging pop-rock arrangement. Her lyrical sentiments—evoked with plainspoken simplicity—were inspired after she moved to Berlin to follow the love of her life.

“Waking Up With You” is the first single off of Nightjacket’s debut full-length, Beauty in the Dark, which is due out on May 31. There’s plenty of chances to catch the trio perform in the coming weeks: first at the Troubadour on April 23, followed by a show at the Bootleg on May 7. Juan Rodríguez