“Are You With It?” showcase with Austin Prince, Madi Sipes & the Painted Blue, Trace Repeat & Cereus Bloom, March 30th at Cornerstone

The “Are You With It” showcase, presented by Makings, is coming up at Cornerstone the 30th of March and it’s getting quite the local buzz. Makings is a music and artist advocacy group founded by Austin Prince and his manager, Kara McCall. Makings is all about helping promote Bay Area musicians who might not yet have a huge name or representation. The “Are You With It?” series does just that.


Says Austin Prince, “There’s no genres; we’re not trying to put on a big clubby scene or something where you have to know people to get in a set. You just have to be musicians who have talent and the passion to perform. We’re all about making those connections within our communities, at these shows. We want to help less-exposed artists find their footing and get their music out there.” So who’s on feature at this month’s Are You With It? A lot of funk, sassy R&B, and a touch of poppy indie rock, all brought to you by Madi Sipes & the Painted Blue, Trace Repeat & Cereus Bloom and–back by popular demand and fan’s insistence–Austin Prince. To honor Mr. Prince, check out his charming new music video featuring a skateboarding bird. –Michelle Kicherer, Associate Editor