Anna/Kate Band release debut LP “How To Hold” at La Mama on 03/23

The debut album from NYC duo Anna/Kate Band, called How To Hold, is set to drop on March 23rd at the Downstairs Theater at La Mama in the East Village. Anna Gothard and Kate Foster have compiled nine of their songs into an album of queer folk-pop anthems with gripping harmonies, all of them recorded over six months in Ingrid Michaelson’s revered Grand Street Recording Studio. Both Anna and Kate are trained in the art of jazz singing, which can be heard in the soulful delivery of their stories. They have already released two singles from How To Hold: "I Run With You" has received plenty of traffic on Spotify in both the US and the UK, and "Even Over Odd" has grabbed the attention of Fordham University’s radio station, which called them an "Act To Watch" this year. Stream the Anna/Kate Band’s latest single from How To Hold, called "Shipwrecked (In My Motel Room)", below. – Will Sisskind