Zeus Springsteen are the 90s College rock band of today

Burlington, VT, mostly known for its University which spawned Phish, is a bustling college town full of heady young people and a burgeoning music scene. Enter Zeus Springsteen, a Burlington based power trio rooted in the endearing jangliness and lyrically clever sensibilities of a so called “college rock” band- though their sound begs to question when they’re from. Their eponymous debut album sounds more akin to R.E.M than OCS, exploring the popular sound of yesteryear college rock; steadfast grooves and fuzzy guitar riffs are littered all over the album, woven within tightly knit and smart arrangements. Perhaps the most identifying quirk of Zeus Springsteen are the melodic, yet abstract stories they tell (not unlike Robert Pollard’s), most notably on the cheeky “Joey Is a Robot”. Stream their new album below. -Charley Ruddell