Lauren Lakis captures a relationship in the fritz of corruption on “Mourn the Dead”

With one foot in the electronic genre and the other in folk, singer songwriter Lauren Lakis releases her latest single,  “Mourn The Dead”. Lakis has been categorized as an electric doom folk artist, hitting multiple different platforms of music styles and listeners with her unique disposition. “Mourn The Dead” captures a relationship in the fritz of corruption, and what it is like to suffer through it but still, somehow coming out stronger. Her moody and dark stylings are exactly what one needs when buried in a funk, as she’ll pull you out and suck you right back in (in every good way possible).

"Mourn the Dead" is the first preview off of her forthcoming full-length album, entitled Ferocious. We have to wait until February of 2018 to hear the whole album, but it will be well worth the wait. – Kayla Hay