Wheetay brings semi-electronic soul to The Tin Roof (10.11) & The Country (10.13)

The funky, stripped-down Southern soul made by emerging act Wheetay—fronted by Thomas White—is exactly what the Nashville scene needs right now. White takes on the responsibility of writing, recording, producing, mixing, and mastering all the tracks, yet he still considers the project a collaborative effort as his friends play a role in inspiring his tracks and bringing them to life. Explained in his own words as a “lo-fi approach to high fidelity music,” Wheetay is finally taking to the stage with a lineup of live shows, in which he will combine live instruments with looping tracks. The sultry, semi-electronic sound created by White and co. is fresh, fun, and a nice change of pace for Music City. If you can’t make his show tonight at the Tin Roof, then definitely make sure to catch him opening for Willie Shaw at The Country on the 13th. – Lilly Milman

Listen to our favorite track “Probably Nothing” streaming below.