Zula Releases Politically Poignant Single Ahead of Forthcoming EP

NYC’s minimalist, psychedelic pop outfit, Zula, released “Anything For You” last week, a politically relevant single from their forthcoming EP, 6 Passes. The track blends ethereal synths, atmospheric guitars, and poignant lyrics about the effects of white male domination on the collective psyche.

The structure of the track feels cyclical, with twinkling piano riffs and fuzzy bass runs sprinkled over a looped and textured beat that creates the sensation of running in place. Zula combines the emotional sentiment of cultural and political stagnation with the drudgery of modern life on this number: soul-molesting technology, environmental despair, nauseatingly ubiquitous convenience, and a general lack of human connection. In the larger indie music context, “Anything For You” proves unmistakably unique. At the moment, there doesn’t seem to be any group in the circuit that has managed to insert their own sense of sonic experimentation, atmospheric creepiness, and political insight into a single track as well as Zula has.

6 Passes is out via Forged Artifacts & Inflate Records on October 13th and is available in cassette tape and digital format. You can listen to “Anything For You” below: 

-Andrew Strader