Showtime Goma releases debut LP at Union Pool 07.09, tours with of Montreal

Showtime Goma (of Sunny Day in Glasgow) turns pop on its head with her new album Smiley Face. Experimenting with different soundscapes, distortions, airy pop vocals, her new record moves in a dozen different directions that all flow together seamlessly. There is the dancey “Big Disaster” (video streaming below,) the slow “Propel,” the experimental “Chug,” and more. Jen Goma’s noteworthy vocal and artistic range shine through in this record, making her an artist to watch. Catch up with Showtime Goma at her album release party at Union Pool in Brooklyn on July 9th at 8. She’ll be touring with Of Montreal in September! – Lilly Milman 

We added this song to The Deli’s playlist of Best songs by emerging NYC artists – check it out!