Girl Fest is Giving Us Life

A much needed celebration of female power, Girl Fest is back with a showcase of some of Portland’s best female musicians of the moment. Hosted by the soulful Blossom, this year’s installation of GF touches on a few different genres, including jazz, folk and hip hop, to me enjoyed by all ages.

Coco Columbia has been a local love we’ve grow to appreciate more and more, with her refreshingly modern and eclectic take on jazz. Her voice, along with her production, have become indicative of the variety of other music scenes the city provides.

Other upbeat offerings come from some of the only female rap artists in Portland’s market right now, including Karma Rivera. Taking a beat and fully making it her own, Karma’s rhymes give the best of relatable expression and fun quips. Building off of that, duo Neka & Kahlo mix angelic bedroom pop with hip hop that results in a trappy type R&B that we need much more of.

Courtney Noe could easily dominate the pop charts with her retro ballads and after the Fish Eye EP, we’ve been dying for more of Haley Heynderickx‘s acoustic folk.

Thankfully Girl Fest 2017 is still happening tonight at the Crystal Ballroom. It’s an all ages show, including some performances from young artists involved with local youth music nonprofit My Voice Music, so bring all your loved ones out for a night of true female empowerment.