Thanks Light Melt Minds and Faces with “Family Jewels”

 Adrenaline-infused pscyhedlia pours out from the hard-rocking warped reality of the Thanks Light. Their new single "Family Jewels" begins normal enough with the hushed and seductive vocals of Zane Ruttenberg but quickly devolves into a chaotic swirl of reverb that is reminiscent of noise rockers METZ or Pissed Jeans. Thanks Light embraces the appeal of structured alt-rock but moreso relishes in it’s destruction, amidst a myriad of synths, gutteral growls, and shrieking guitars. "Family Jewels" is the first single off of the new LP Psychonauts, which as the name suggests, should be a mind-altering exploration into the fractal conscience of one of Austin’s more unique rock bands.

-Lee Ackerley