Henry Hall unveils video for “Dream Lover” + plays Hotel Cafe on 10.14

Here’s a video that will send you mixed messages (upliftingly cringeworthy?) by NYC/LA based artist Henry Hall for new single "Dream Lover". It starts off with the artist standing in front of a green screen, gazing into the camera with sympathetic eyes, and singing amidst an escalating rhythmic groove defined by a tight, punchy beat and brisk guitar strums… until the words "I’m in love with my girlfriend’s sister" are uttered, after which Henry breaks out a goofy smile, and begins to dance, his body overimposed on a montage of vintage movies. It is dark, but it’s quite humorous as well. Check it out down below, catch him live at LA’s The Hotel Cafe on October 14, and stay tuned if you want more, there’s an EP underway! – Ashley Muniz