Party Boyz Lifestyle Zine Vol. III release tonight at Mississippi!

When it comes to having a good time in Portland, we all know who to call. We call the Party Boyz. These two, the delightful duo of Rachel Milbauer and Elizabeth Elder, have been curating shows and parties, and documenting the life of creative Portlanders for some years now. Tonight, they’re releasing "Party Boyz: A Lifestyle Zine Vol. III," which exhibits some of the finest work being created by our locals. From essays to photos to recipes, the magazine features entries from the likes of Sallie Ford, Aan‘s Bud Wilson, Moon By You‘s Kevin Clark and many more. 

The release show is happening tonight at Mississippi Studios with performances by MY BODY, Eyelids and x Hour. Doors open at 8pm and it’s $10 to get in, so stop by, grip your copy of the zine and take in the scene.

-Cervante Pope