Troller Makes Our Day with Album Release Dates, Devastating New Music Video “Not Here”

OH, what a very most lovely and doomiest of days! Not only has Deli-beloved act Troller just announced that we’re but months away from the release of their second full album, they’ve also deigned to bestow upon us ravenous Troller fans a new, dark, weird single from that album in the form of one hell of a music video for song “Not Here.”

It’s damn good too, pairing a Lynchian setting and visual style with a gripping performance from drag queen Louisiana Purchase, whose piercing, manic eyes and understated, elegant and sometimes terrifying dance grasps your gaze and won’t let go. The track, too, is of the highest Troller quality (which to us is a way to say it’s killer as fuck), doing their gorgeous drones and dark cathedral melodies and industrial drum machines thing to perfection on this devastating, heavy track.

Both track and video are exquisite treatment and representation of pain, something we typically get fed to us in music through highly pop (Taylor Swift) or deeply self indulgent and stereotypical (Adele) ways, but here get from a thoroughly non-mainstream (even in 2016) and queer-positive perspective. It’s done with beauty, finesse and a fine, sharp edge, and it bodes seriously fucking well for the upcoming album.

Watch and listen below, and look for Troller’s Graphic LP on April 8 through Holodeck Records.