Brooklyn singer/songwriter Joni Fatora plays Pete’s Candy Store on 11.8

Almost a year ago, Brooklyn-based singer/songwriter Joni Fatora released her latest EP, ‘Navigator.’ Featuring mural-like cover art pleasantly reminiscent to that of Fleet Foxes’ ‘Helplessness Blues,’ the five-song effort also has one of the most beautifully-rendered songs of recent memory: the pretty yet serious "Blueless Bird" (streaming below). A tropicalia-sunned piece of folk, the guitar-curled track has the early-twenties Fatora impressively employing the image of a forlorn winged creature to convey larger themes of solitude and longing, her patient voice almost coddling the listener to a kind of calm acceptance of life’s more melancholic moments. Following performances during CMJ this past week, Joni Fatora plays on a Sofar Sounds Secret Show and on 11.8 at Pete’s Candy Store. – Zach Weg

We added this song to The Deli’s playlist of Best Mellow Songs by Emerging NYC artists – check it out!