A Deli NYC premiere: Big Thief unveils video for “Masterpiece” + tours with Here We Go Magic

Ah, the joys and horrors of DIY touring! Those uninitiated to the rock’n’roll lifestyle may wonder what pushes four young individuals to share 24/7 a gas guzzling old van for several weeks, while traveling for over a month from coast to coast. This video by Brooklyn electric folksters Big Thief, for their new single "Masterpiece," provides the answers: our brains – like a video-camera – are set to record the good and fun moments, while forgetting the smells, the struggles, the bad meals and sleepless nights (invariably caused by snoring band mates). Most importantly, touring is a unifying, semi-epic adventure that has often the power to reinforce the bond between the traveling musicians, creating shared memories that strenghten the group’s identity and commitment. And that’s a great asset for any band.

The video, shot recently while on the road, anticipates Big Thief’s upcoming 25 date tour opening for Brooklyn pop experimenters Here We Go Magic. With its beautiful, powerful melody and full on band sound, "Masterpiece" (streaming link here) represents a visceral turn in Adrianne Lenker’s writing toward a heavier, electric sound that contrasts with her two earlier releases, both intimately folk and minimally arranged. Don’t miss their show at Bowery Ballroom on Ocrtober 24!