Sharkmuffin plays Palisades on 10.30 (dressed as The Powerpuff Girls?)

Fresh from multiple appearances at the recently concluded CMJ fest, Brooklyn’s glam/grunge/garage rockers Sharkmuffin roll on with their personal take on the alternative rock sound. In addition to the myriad of rip-em-up exciting live appearances, the band continues to promote their recent full-length LP “Chartreuse.” That title track (streaming below) is a pure fun garage stomper, with lyrics detailing how they (someone) “Never want me around to hang loose;” the song sounds like a vintage rock and roll confusion scenario married to thumping bass and distorted guitar squalls. “First Date” moves in an even rawer, punkier direction, sounding like bratty girl-group fare with a touch of Siouxsie Sioux on her very first album “The Scream” (think “Carcass” or “Jigsaw Feeling”) in that shouty, aggressive vocal style. Sharkmuffin’s next show will be at popular Brooklyn haunt Pallisades on 10/30. We heard a rumor that, since the show will be the day before Halloween, the band will appear on stage dressed as The Powerpuff Girls – or rather some kind of hipster variation of them. – Dave Cromwellphoto by Chris Carlone