Clara-Nova announces new EP The Bronze Age, listen to first single “An Island”

Sydney Wayser has been quiet for the past two years after having changed her stage name to Clara-Nova. It seems as if the long period of minimal exposure has done wonders for the singer-songwriter. Her latest single, "An Island", can disorient at first, though once its overwhelming aural spectacle of gossamer sounds begin to gain some clarity you’re ultimately enthralled by the amount of labor that went into the production. Wayser imagines living in an "island in the sea" with a fantastical edge, holding a passion for tuneful constructs that could very well be described as a psychedelic interpretation of an Asian musical.

"An Island" is the first single off her debut EP The Bronze Age, which comes out on October 30th through The Cherry Party. And make sure to catch her perform at El Rey supporting Other Lives on October 15. – Juan Rodríguez