Antique Embarks on The Remember Tour

Local Oakland, CA singer-songwriter, activist and educator Candice "Antique" Davis announced the latest music single from her The Remember Project , Never Again, inspired by her visit to the slave dungeons in Elmina, Ghana.

Listen to the track here:

The Remember Project is a cultural campaign that travels all over the globe engaging artists of the African diaspora in artistic collaboration using art, music, media and dynamic facilitation to promote a Pan-African identity, particularly in countries that were involved in the Transatlantic and Arab slave trades.

Antique explains, "Visiting the slave dungeons in Elmina, Ghana, was such an emotional experience. I felt overwhelmed with grief, sadness and anger. Immediately after that, I went to the studio. I sat there crying and then I felt a rush of words. I wrote the song in 5 minutes. After I wrote it I felt unsure. Then I looked up in the sky and three hawks circling above me. I felt like that was a sign to move forward. I went in the studio and recorded it in one take. I saw it as the ancestors speaking through me."

Antique will be performing at Kingston 11 in Oakland on October 15th.