A Deli NYC/Sofar Sounds night with Tica Douglas, Chaos Chaos and Side Saddle

Yesterday (Sunday August 9th) Selfie.com‘s large Tribeca headquarters hosted a Deli sponsored Sofarsounds.com show. Once again, it was a night of great music enjoyed by an extremely attentive audience.

Talented songwriter Tica Douglas was first on stage, for a solo acoustic set. Her latest release ‘Joey‘ received a flattering review on Pitchfork this past February, and for a good reason: the young songwriter has crafted a very personal style, and her live delivery of the songs from the album was touching and well performed. Check out the tune that closed yesterday’s show below.

Tica was followed by three acoustic guitar strumming dudes from Astoria (in the picture), who represent 50% of the band Side Sattle (we blogged about them in January). The trio picked up the tempo with four catchy folk-pop tunes that stood out for flawless three way vocal harmonies – these guys don’t miss a note! The full band can sound completely different from what we heard yesterday, which was more on the lines of their single "When it’s All Done" (streaming below). We like both versions. You can see them live at Pianos on August 28. 

NYC (via Seattle) dual sisterhood Chaos Chaos closed the show with something radically different: no signs of acoustic instruments in their set up, just keyboards and a drum machine – played by hand! Now, let’s get this straight: playing a drum machine with your fingers is not exactly the simplest thing in the world (we tried), and doing so while singing and shaking an shaker egg reveals superior, almost circus worthy motor skills. Chloe Saavedra pulled that off with flair, while singing back up vocals to her sister Asy, who also showcased a noteworthy instrumental ability at the keyboards. The duo offers electric piano driven songs that are at once catchy and quirky, and feature unexpected breakdowns and a airy openings. They played four new songs, check out their 2014 EP ‘Committed to the Crime’ here, and/or see them live at Baby’s All Right on 08.31.