Q&A with The Deli Showcase Contenders Pt.1

Get to know the bands competing for a spot at The Deli Showcase 8.18 at Mercy Lounge, and VOTE for ALL the bands you’d like to see on stage!

Mom and Dad

1. Describe your sound with a movie title. 
       City Slickers II: The Legend of Curly’s Gold
2. If your band were a drink, what would you be?
       That seems like a fairly inappropriate thing to ask someone you JUST met.
3. If you could pick any band to cover your music, who would it be?
       Damn Yankees


Mesmer Tea 

1. Describe your sound with a movie title. 
       Breakfast on Pluto
2. If your band were a drink, what would you be?
       Mesmer Tea, obviously.
3. If you could pick any band to cover your music, who would it be?


Treadwell Ford

1. Describe your sound with a movie title. 
       Inherent Vice
2. If your band were a drink, what would you be?
       7 cans of Founders, 5 cans of Bud Light Lime, 1 half drunken bottle of red wine, 2 half drunken bottles of white wine, 2 sips of a fifth of Skyy, and 1 large bottle of vegetable juice.

3. If you could pick any band to cover your music, who would it be?
        Randy Newman

Check out some of the other bands in the playlist below!