Album Review: Jackson Boone’s Starlit

Sometimes we are offered glimpses into what Portland, Oregon used to be. These fleeting moments are often brought back through people born and raised in the Pacific Northwest. Jackson Boone fits all of the above and is ready to share his perception via his newest album, Starlit

Boone’s debut full-length is very much like a wave: a rise and fall of climatic melodies with just the right amount of steadiness. Produced by Riley Geare of Unknown Mortal Orchestra and help from fellow local musicians in the recording process, the amount of passion and camaraderie stands out as one to remember. "Heavy Lovers" elicits the appropriate atmosphere for its title. It’s slow, slightly brooding and the subtle wail of the guitar makes it undeniably sexy. Boone’s vocals sound taunting and venturesome, never desperate. This trait carries throughout the album. Moments in between the calm, Boone shifts to jarring noises before gracefully transitioning back in "Haystack Rock N’ Roll". It concludes with the chunky, but incredibly catchy "Luv Bug".
Trust our decision making and head out this Saturday night. Boone starts a series of live performances this month with Alberta St. Pub’s charming and quaint performance space. Psych-phenomenons Tender Age and Cambrian Explosion will be supporting.
Colette Pomerleau