Life Stinks and MUSK Support Sub Pop Records Artist Deaf Wish – 10/7

Two Bay Area based bands are set to support the Australian Sup Pop Records band, Deaf Wish on October 7th at the Hemlock Tavern in San Francisco. San Francisco based heavy garage punk band, Life Stinks is on the bill and will be pounding the stage with their heavy and vivacious punk rock music, and the Oakland based pure punk band, MUSK will be opening the show and setting the tone of the night. Both bands are fully equipped to help Deaf Wish tear the house down!

We’re excited to plug this gig because this International band will be playing such an intimate venue. We should not take what we have for granted in regards to being able to attend a number of hardworking smaller live music venues who survive and book cool acts from all over the world.

With all that said, we encourage you to check out Deaf Wish, Life Stinks and MUSK at the Hemlock Tavern on October 7th. It’s going to be a cool and insanely heavy show.