Congratulations to Travis Hayes and Peachelope for Winning The Deli Magazine Artist of the Month Poll

This does not happen often, but this month we have come across and occasion where we must congratulate TWO winners of The Deli Magazine San Francisco Artist of the Month Poll! The votes were so close that it has been decided that Peachelope and Travis Hayes should both be celebrated for obtaining the most votes!

Hayes is a hardworking singer/songwriter and avid supporter of the Bay Area music scene as he works as a promoter and booker for Neck of the Woods, a music venue in inner Richmond area of San Francisco. His smooth mix of indie rock and acoustic jams swoon us to no end.

Peachelope is an experimental avant indie duo whose sultry sounds and innovative live electro-acoustic performances are entrancing and always leaving audiences wanting more. These great local artists are both super deserving of this honor.  We wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors!