Gross Relations release new EP “Wasted Time”

There’s nothing generically slacker rock (or generically post rock, for that matter) about Gross Relations’ new EP, “Wasted Time,” released June 25th, which showcases the band’s best songs and production to date. If one were to cut any of the four songs in half, you’d have a perfect example of one genre or the other, but together, their futuristic synth-wave keyboards throw simple, catchy bar chord licks, and muffed, reverb-heavy vocals create a cool break from convention, and a nice trip back in time. Neither side of the project is overdone to become self-evident. Just when you think a song is going to be wholly one, the other injects itself seamlessly, all complimented by a heartfelt vocal harmonizing that acts as an added layer of reverb or fuzz. Check out title-track "Wasted Time" below. – JP Basileo