Firehorse releases ‘Pills From Strangers’ – Live at Mercury on 06.28

NYC’s Firehorse are picking up steam, and rightly so – their first record, ‘And so they ran faster…’ surfaced to blogosphere acclaim, building up expectations for the sophomore release ‘Pills From Strangers,’ out in a few weeks. The preview single "Good" (streaming) keeps the promise, delivers a crescendo of tension through a paradoxically danceable odd time signature (the fragmanted 5/4), building towards dissonant peaks and satisfying choruses; Leah Siegel’s signature smoky vocals rest effortlessly atop popleaning synth melodies, and the record’s high points will no doubt get crowds moving. ‘Pills’ is set for release on June 25, and they’ll be officially releasing it at Mercury Lounge on June 28 – don’t miss out! – Zack Kraimer

We added this song to The Deli’s playlist of Best songs by emerging NYC artists – check it out!