brotherun Introduce Video for “Wishful Thinking”

photo by Nick Duplessis

With a name like brotherun, the relationship between the band’s two members, Nicholas and Trevor James Tillery, seems like an obvious one. Hailing from Phoenix and residing now in Nashville, the duo’s self-proclaimed "whatever-you-thinktronica" scales back on the bleep bloops generally associated with any genre ending in "-tronica" and instead opts for something a little more calm and clean. Their video for "Wishful Thinking," directed by Nick Duplessis, is a firm representation of the band’s sound, flashing black-and-white images that waver between a Rorschach test and a virtual brain massage.

If you prefer to downshift and ease your way into the weekend, hit the video below and catch the chillest vibe you can find on a Friday afternoon. –Brianne Turner