Brooklyn Artists on the rise: Wet

Like many of the bands we get to know through the internet, there’s very little known about Brooklyn’s three piece Wet. The band’s just released two head-nodding, weirdly intense odes to ditties and fast-driving pop on their Bandcamp. But the combination of quirky arrangements, soulful female vocals and runaway lyrics here are so distinctly their own, you’re left scratching your head after twisting around to their EP’s catchy opening track ‘U Da Best’ (streaming below). Hopefully we’ll get to know this band a bit better as they release more tunes and help fill in the lines for us. For now… these pop nuggets are at least a perfect way to get over the rainy weather. – Mike Levine (@Goldnuggets)

This artist submitted their music for review digitally to The Deli here. We added this song to The Deli’s playlist of Best Mellow songs by emerging NYC artists – check it out!