Interview with Turtle Recall: DC Deli’s Band of the Month (May)

DC based bluegrass infused indie rock band Turtle Recall are a full on party band taking over the DMV with a ton of gigs coming up in the next few weeks (check dates below.) Fans already know the impact they bring to everything from house parties to possible art openings (hint hint!) and have voted them our Band of the Month. We got a hold of the entire crew Guido Dehoratiis (guitar), John-Currie Hester (vocals/etc), Alex Penney (bass), Matt Kupferman (fiddle), Erin Girardi (vocals), Mike Dalianis (drums) to find out more about them. Here they tell us about a Ferris Bueller moment, how Taco Bell may be linked to their name, and a demand for more house shows. Now onto the interview…

Catch Turtle Recall live 5/10 at DC’s Cause – The PhilanthroPub, 6/1 at the Herndon Festival, 6/6 at VA’s IOTA, and 6/14 at Taste of Reston.