The Bixby Knolls: Release Full Length Album, “Near & Undear”

Filled with sexy and sinister rock tunes that evoke the spirit of the classic rockers that came before them, Near & Undear is the full length release from locals, The Bixby Knolls. Each song on this record oozes through the speakers with an unnerving confidence. From the soulful swagger on “Runnin’ and Runnin’” to the abrasive shouts of “It’s All A Lie” to that in-your-face guitar on the closing track, “I Want It All.” The influences are obvious, but so is the intentionality behind it. (They began recording in 2010, with the full release this week, two years later.) This album leaves you unsettled, with a strong desire to throw back some whiskey, hop on a Harley and not look back. Stream the full album on the band’s Soundcloud. – Jacqueline Caruso